Television Box Redesign.

Television Box Redesign



The majority of retail stores had unassisted selling floors.   In warehouse stores, the box could be the only product representation on display.  Therefore the TV packaging needed to be a silent salesperson that educated customers and sold the product.  We needed to shift leadership’s paradigm to begin thinking of the packaging as a printed infomercial.  The packaging needed to provide the customer everything they wanted to know about the product and get them to want to buy it in 60 seconds.

Current Situation

Brand packaging had been targeted for B-to-B, had a OEM feel and gave the same importance to all the features.  It was not supporting our new brand strategy, nor was it grabbing customers’ attention.   Because of this, key customers were asking us to improve the box design.

Process “Customer-Driven Merchandising”

Interviewed retailers to understand their packaging requirements.  Reviewed customer studies regarding features most important in making a buying decision.  Met with design, engineering and sales teams to ensure industry and legal requirements were met.  Studied best practices of competitive brands who grew their sales based on an unassisted sales model.   Compiled information, prioritized the features and designed a new box that supported our new brand architecture, fulfilled the requirements of all stakeholders, and captured the customers’ attention.


Created a TV box with eye-catching graphics that would act as a silent salesperson.  The high ranking TV features were now prominent.  The new packaging communicated the main features and made consumers desire the product.